Dear Sung Star Families,


We are excited to announce that we will reopen our school on July 6, 2020.  This letter will explain some of the protocols we need to follow to keep your children and our staff safe. These guidelines have been provided by the Department of Children and Families and are intended to facilitate a safe and healthy environment.


  1. There will be outside drop off and pick up since parents are not permitted in the building.
  2. Upon arrival there will be a daily health screening of all staff and children prior to entry into the building.  This includes a temperature check and a brief questionnaire. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or exhibiting symptoms of COVID19 or other illnesses, will be denied entry, as will anyone that has been exposed to COVID19 during the preceding 14 days. Only one adult and your children attending our school will be allowed in the screening area. While waiting to be screened please practice social distancing. Children will walk into their classroom with a staff member and their hands will be washed.
  3. Departure/Pick Up: Please call the school at 732-341-7500 when you arrive in the parking lot and a staff member will walk your child to the door for you since parents are not permitted in the building.
  4. There will be an increased focus on good hygiene practices. Hand washing will occur frequently throughout the day. Children will wash their hands upon arrival, before eating, after touching their face, after using the bathroom, coughing, sneezing into their elbow, after using the playground, before going home at the end of the day and also throughout the day as per the discretion of a staff member.  Hand sanitizer will also be available in multiple locations within our building.
  5. Groups shall not exceed 10 children, and interactions between groups must be limited. We will maintain teacher-student ratios as per the NJ Office of Licensing, and avoid combining children from different classrooms, to the greatest extent possible. Each group (class) shall congregate not less than ten feet from each other, especially when using the playground.  We will set up a staggered playground time for each group, with cleaning after each use.  Cots/bedding may be reduced to six feet during nap or sleep periods and shall be positioned alternatively head-to-toe to minimize transmission of illness between children.
  6. Sharing of supplies, food, toys and other items will be strictly limited. If items must be shared, they will be used by one group at a time, cleaned and disinfected between uses. Children’s belongings brought to school will be sent home each day for washing.
  7. Field trips and other off site activities are prohibited at this time, with the exception of activities within walking distance.
  8. All staff are required to wear a face cloth while working unless doing so would inhibit their health. When feasible, children shall wear face coverings except those under two years old.
  9.  There will be an increase in sanitizing frequently touched surfaces,including toys, and manipulatives.
  10. Visitors shall not be permitted to enter the center, with the exception of emergency, law enforcement personnel in their official capacity, and the Department of Children and Families personnel for child protection, or child care licensing purposes
  11. If you have any questions or immediate concerns please feel to email us at or  We can respond to emails faster than a phone call until we reopen.