Sung Star Academy offers 2 ways to register your loved one

1:) Save time by downloading our Registration Form and filling it out while at home. If you have Microsoft Word you can type in the fields and print it out, or print it out first and then fill it in by hand. Call and make an appointment to see our wonderful facility located at 182 James St. (right behind Fitness Center).

Click here to download the registration form.

2:) Give us a call at 732-341-7500 to make an appointment to come in and see the facility and from there we can make arrangements to register your child.

Call today. 732-341-7500

Give us a call between 9:00am & 8:00pm Monday thru Friday and we can set up an appointment for you to come in and view our facility. Our friendly staff will give you a guided tour and sit down and discuss your child’s needs, our available age appropriate programs, and so much more.